
When I’m stuck for writing, making lists is one way out. So today’s list is on friendship! Why friendship? Because I’m currently arguing with a friend about his taste in clothes#.

You know that your friend is real because

1. when you call at 4am, your friend picks up

2. your friend isn’t afraid to call you out on your bullshit

3. when you are really crying and falling to pieces, you call your friend and he/she abandons everything to rush to your side

4. when you want to drunk text your ex, your friend confiscates your phone

5. your friend defends you in front of others when there is no benefit to them

6. your friend tells you when that shirt/dress/pants makes you look fugly

7. your friend willingly spends money to send you overseas texts

8. you just know it.

This list is by no means exhaustive. But, I’m stuck and I don’t know what to write. So this will do for this week.

#Disclaimer: I think everyone has taste in clothes. It’s just whether it’s good taste or bad taste.